ICEBAT 2026 - Speakers

Caio Roberto Aparecido de Paschoal Castro, PT MSc
Physiotherapist in the aquatic physical therapy department at the Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD) (Association for Assistance to Disabled Children) in São Paulo, Brazil, where he provides care for children and adults with neurological dysfunctions and physical disabilities, coordinates courses in aquatic physical therapy and rehabilitation technology. Coordinator of the postgraduate course in Aquatic Physical Therapy at AACD and conducts research in neurological rehabilitation in aquatic physiotherapy.

Jason Ellis
Dr. Ellis is a Professor of Sleep Science and Director of the Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research in the United Kingdom. He is a qualified Somnologist - Expert in Behavioural Sleep Medicine from the European Sleep Research Society and a Practicing Psychologist under the HCPC. He splits his time between his basic research interests: the pathophysiology of sleep disorders (Insomnia, Restless Legs Syndrome, and Circadian Rhythm Disorders) and his applied work on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Within the latter framework he examines the impact of novel adjunct therapies, the influence of social factors on adherence, and the effective delivery of CBT-I in complex cases and environments. He has worked within the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, delivering CBT-I to individuals with a range of physical and psychological conditions and serves on the editorial boards of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Frontiers in Sleep and Sleep Health. He is also the current chair of the research committee for the British Sleep Society. He has consulted for various industries and third-sector organisations and provided national guidelines to the British and Scottish governments on the identification and management of sleep problems. He is a serious advocate of public engagement and professional education with regard to behavioral sleep medicine and regularly trains CBT-I and fatigue management workshops to clinicians and primary care physicians in the United Kingdom and internationally.

Javier Güeita Rodríguez, PT, MSc, PhD
Accredited lecturer of the International Aquatic Therapy Faculty Association (IATF-Switzerland). Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University, (URJC-Spain), where he has directed the Postgraduate Course "Specialist in Aquatic Therapy" and coordinates the “Aquatic Therapy Unit for children with disabilities”, combining teaching, clinical practice, and research. He conducts seminars on pediatrics and adults in the fields of neurology, exercise, and aquatic therapy in national and international courses, master's programs, and conferences. Chair of the Spanish Network of Aquatic Therapy-RETAcua. He has published chapters in various books and articles in peer-reviewed journals, focusing on neurology, pediatrics, and aquatic therapy. He has served on the editorial boards of Children and IJERPH Journals, coediting as guest editor several special issues (Advances in Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities: 2 Editions; Immersing in an Enriched Environment: Aquatic Therapy in a Modern Perspective). Co-author of the book "Aquatic Therapy. Approaches from Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy" (2nd edition), Elsevier, 2020.

Anna Ogonowska-Slodownik, PT, PhD
Assistant Professor at Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw and Affiliate Scientist at KITE Research Institute in Canada, where she coordinates Aquatic Therapy course for physiotherapy students and conduct research. Coordinator of the Aquatic Therapy, Exercise and Swimming Lab which aims to improve the use of aquatic setting for rehabilitation and health, and connect researchers around the world. She conducted seminars and workshops on aquatic therapy in national and international master's programs and conferences. She has published chapters in books and articles in peer-reviewed journals, focusing on the use of aquatic therapy in different populations.

Bansi Jens, PhD.
Exercise scientist and senior researcher at the Kliniken-Valens Rehabilitation Ventre Switzerland. He achieved his PhD in Exercise Sciences in 2014 with the thesis Endurance training in MS – Comparisons of different training regimes (water versus overland cycling) and their influences on immune functions, cardiorespiratory fitness, fatigue and health-related quality of life, Grade: magna cum laude, German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Since 2020 he is Head of the Dept. of Research and Development. at Valens clinic. Jens does research in Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine and Neurology (esp MS). Jens is also lecturer at the Eastern Switzerland University of applied Sciences, SUPSI – La Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana and ZHAW – Züricher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
His research mainly involves the physiological and functional adaptions of exercise to the brain in neurodegenerative disorders (MS). We conducted three major RCTs and generated funding via three grants of the Swiss MS Society (16- 00093 and TRAINUVIMAB-1182018 and PPMS-21001) of 250’000 CHF.
He has 20 years of experience in Aquatic Therapy for adult patients with neurological, orthopedic or rheumatologic diseases. He authored 16 peer-reviewed articles, has a wide international teaching experience and is a valued presenter at various congresses.

Cristine Lima Alberton, B.P.E., PhD.
Dr. Cristine Lima Alberton is an Associate Professor and the current Vice Director of the School of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), Brazil. She is the founder and leader of the Neuromuscular Assessment Laboratory at UFPEL and serves as a Permanent Professor in the Post-Graduate Program in Physical Education, where she supervises doctoral and master’s students in the field of Exercise for Health Promotion. Her main research interests center on Aquatic Exercises, a field in which she has received several Brazilian grants, including the distinguished CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship (2018-present). She has published scientific articles extensively in international, high-impact, peer-reviewed journals in an attempt to bridge research and practice in aquatic exercises and aquatic therapy. She was recognized in 2021 as the second leading author worldwide on aquatic exercise for health promotion (Zhou et al., Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2021, doi: 10.1177/00315125211032159).

Professor Sam Lucas, PhD, FECSS
Professor Lucas is an exercise physiologist at the University of Birmingham, whose primary research focus is on brain vascular health. Work within his laboratory focuses on exercise strategies and complementary approaches that optimize health, especially brain health. Prof Lucas is a principal investigator within the Centre of Human Brain Health (CHBH), is the academic director of the Environmental Chamber Facility located within the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, and serves on the management committee of the newly established Centre for Movement and Wellbeing at the University. Prof Lucas has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, including work examining the utility of using water-based approaches to optimize the physiological stimulus (e.g. shear stress) for vascular adaptation in both healthy and clinical populations (e.g. stroke survivors).

Emily Dunlap, PT, PhD
Emily Dunlap, PT, PhD, is a highly experienced aquatic physical therapist with a career spanning inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient orthopedic care. Over the past decade, she has focused on teaching and research, making significant contributions to aquatic physical therapy. As the inaugural chairperson of the APTA Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy Clinical Competency Certificate program, Emily's leadership has advanced the field, earning her accolades like the Judy Cirullo Award and the Richard Ruoti Research Award. Emily has authored chapters in three aquatic therapy textbooks, published original research on aquatic rehabilitation, and holds certifications in Halliwick, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, Ai Chi, and Watsu (Level III). As the owner of Aquatic Therapy Pro, she continues to excel as a clinician, researcher, and education consultant. She also leads an international aquatic rehabilitation journal club, fostering global collaboration. Driven by a passion for advancing evidence-based practice, Emily is dedicated to mentoring future aquatic therapy professionals.

Urs Gamper, PT
Worked over 40 years in a rehabilitation center in Switzerland for adults with neurologic, orthopedic and rheumatologic conditions. He works together with James Mc Millan and develop together with his team the Water specific Therapy based on the 10 Point Program of Halliwick. The development of the Bad Ragaz Ring Method to a complete Aquatic Therapy concept carries his signature. He is one of the co-founders of the Association International Aquatic Therapy Faculty (IATF), president of the organization since beginning and senior Lecturer. He is author, and co-author of several books and chapters about aquatic therapy and published research in peer revied journals. The honorary membership of the Swiss Physiotherapy Association, the Swiss League against Rheumatism and the Health professionals in Rheumatology Switzerland characterize his multifaceted activities. He has been retired for now more than eight years and runs his own company in training and further education in aquatic therapy.

Johan Lambeck, PT
Johan Lambeck provides skilful Aquatic Therapy, including a proper clinical reasoning process that finally ends in an intervention strategy with adequate tactics. Tactics include the specific concepts that are used in the pool. His pool practice focuses on an evidence based patient treatment. This is what he also offers his students in courses worldwide. As a knowledge broker, Johan has an established track record in teaching up-to-date information, being involved intensively in international networks, publications and scientifically chairing the ICEBAT congresses.
He was named the Aquatic Therapy Professional in the United States by ATRI in 1998, in 2020 he received the Award “Excellence in Aquatic Physical Therapy”, issued by the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy-APTA, USA. He is a long-time editorial board member of the Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy (USA) and per 2005 a Cochrane member.
Johan is Director of Aquatic Rehabilitation Consultants in The Netherlands and Senior Lecturer in – and co-founder of –the Association IATF (International Aquatic Therapy Faculty) in Switzerland. Johan is also Honorary Professor at the Zhongshan Vocational College, Nanjing, China and holds various freelance affiliations at e.g. Associations of Physical Therapy worldwide.
He (co-)authored 6 books, 3 web-based books and over 50 published articles on aquatic therapy, mostly in peer reviewed journals: RI factor 811.6; 1018 citations, h-index 15.
Since 1983 he has taught almost 1000 aquatic therapy seminars in 62 countries around the world.

Alison Bonnyman, BScPT, MSc
Alison Bonnyman is a physical therapist with over 35 years of clinical experience in Canada, working in acute, rehab, private and community settings. Her clinical work and expertise has focused on orthopedics, long term care, and neurological conditions. She integrated aquatic therapy into her practice 20 years ago, assisting in the development of community pools and programming. Returning to school in 2009, her Masters research assessed the impact of aquatic therapy on the bone geometry of women with osteoporosis. Soon after, Alison completed the 12-day Modular Aquatic Therapy Course in Valens, Switzerland, and is certified in Bad Ragaz Ring Method, Halliwick Water Specific Therapy and Ai Chi and is an associate member of the International Aquatic Therapy Faculty, IATF. As Founder and lead instructor for Canadian Aquatic Rehab she mentors, teaches and supports post-graduate aquatic therapy education in Canada. She is retired from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy, having been the Manager of the PT Bridging Program and assistant professor teaching stream. She has presented research on aquatic therapy in osteoporosis, neurological conditions and SCI, as well as PT Bridging education. A member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, CPA, and previous Board member of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association, she is presently the CPA representative for Canada on the WCPT Aquatic subgroup, IOAPT. It is Alison’s intent to continue to expand, support and develop the network of evidence-based aquatic therapists in Canada.

Andrea Cross, PhD
Dr. Andrea Cross (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University. Dr. Cross graduated in 2011 from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Master’s of Science in Kinesiology. Her master’s thesis explored the impacts of a structured swim program on children with developmental delays. Her interest in childhood disability research stemmed from her experience as a swim instructor teaching hundreds of children how to swim and observing the holistic benefits of the water on children. Dr. Cross has a PhD in Rehabilitation Science from McMaster University and is a scientist at CanChild Centre for Childhood-Onset Disability Research. Her research aims to use implementation science to support the dissemination and implementation of family-centred and family-engaged best practices in the field of neurodevelopmental disability and child health. Dr. Cross currently holds a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Patient-Oriented Research Transition to Leadership Award (2020 – 2027). She also teaches in the School of Rehabilitation Science and is an executive committee member of McMaster’s Master of Health Management Program.

ICEBAT 2026 Program
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